Bluffing / Social deduction Game | 4-10 players
10 min playing time | Age: 10+*
In Werewords, players guess a secret word by asking "yes" or "no" questions. Figure out the magic word before time is up, and you win! However, one of the players is secretly a werewolf who is not only working against you, but also knows the word. If you don't guess the word in time, you can still win by identifying the werewolf!
To help you out, one player is the Seer, who knows the word but must not to be too obvious when helping you figure it out; if the word is guessed, the werewolf can pull out a win by identifying the Seer!
Our Two Cents...
If you enjoy: Hiding your identity, backstabbing other players
Similar games: One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Chameleon
Popular with: Large groups of friends